Hi Friends! Kimhak is our roaster @pair.cupworks and the cook @pair.craftworks! Yesterday he injured his hand and needs to take time off to heal up. He's doing ok now, but there will be a slight disruption to our roasting schedule so orders may be delayed a week—more updates to come. If you've placed an order already, we will reach out to you with options 🙏
If you're visiting our pop-up @littlejupitercafe, we're sorry we can't offer food for now. 😿 We were so excited getting the food program up and running so we're incredibly sorry that we need to take a pause! 🙇 Drinks will be available still, as well as awesome coffees from around the world.
As you may know already, we've been in the process of expanding and this injury is a set-back that hits hard financially 😬 We're going to set up some limited edition merch to do some fundraising so please keep an eye out 🙇🙇🙇 Will be doing a social media post and sending out a newsletter when it is ready.
In the meantime, our cafe spots will remain open and have regular operation. I want to say thank you to our amazing team for keeping things running smoothly!
And thank you for everyone's support so far and for coming out to the spot in Gilbert. It's hard to ask even more of you all.